You have it now
Take it
In the airplane seat of your life,
you are surrounded by the ability and the invitation to dream
And dream you must
And sit alongside others, you must
The airplane seat has extra room for you
The middle seat is gone
Spread out your wings
Take flight
And soar
Do not shrink back
Old patterns haunt you
Turbulence jolts you, but
You have created and nurtured an inner world
You have fought to hear yourself
You have worked to hear others
And you feel…
So much more
Speak out
Speak up
Speak through
Like big, metal wings soaring through gravity
Your words and your presence will transcend into the spacious air
And before you know it, the landing gear you have always used to feel stable
will be absorbed into your bellied-womb
to birth a new existence
and you will
Time to Lift? Find out more about the AIR Package!