Five Years Ago, I finished reading Dream.Save.Do: An Action Plan for Dreamers Like You. I wrote the words below and have since recommended this book to countless people as a way to think about rallying their financial path around a compelling goal. I am convinced that a strong desire, or future dream, is one of the best motivators for consistent and forceful money management. When you guide time, money, and energy, you bend reality toward a future vision. This is powerful inner agency work that impacts all areas of life.
I finished 2011 reading Dream. Save. Do: An Action Plan for Dreamers. I highly recommend this book as a frame & tool for financial guidance. It is helpful & necessary to tap into an adventurous metaphor (like traveling) to accomplish money goals. Betsy & Warren Talbot write about changing life habits and guiding their finances from the perspective of their personal travel goals; while, they continually tap into the deeper human desire of DREAMING. Victor Hugo sums up the essence of their experiences:
“There is nothing like a dream to create the future.”
I believe all of life is a traveling journey. So whether you are ACTUALLY packing a suitcase for a far away adventure or staying put to guide money for a totally different goal, it is all about focus and action in the daily walk of life (i.e., intentional momentum, step-by-step)
Use Dream. Save. Do: An Action Plan for Dreamers as your “walking stick” to anchor you when the path gets rocky. It will be a good guide. Also, combine your reading with a personalized consulting service to receive a catalytic, supportive start. Take the first step. It’s the best place to start.